Golf in your spine
Connect and interface more effectively
The spine provides the central and core structural framework for the entire body. It is the core strength, flexibility and range of motion in the spine which determines our overall posture and also our ability to effectively and efficiently move the head and limbs.
Spinal requirements for golf
Minimize stress and maximize efficiency
Although golf may appear less physically demanding than most sports, swinging your club fast enough to hit that little ball 300 yards is not something to be taken lightly. A golf swing can impart a tremedous amount of force to spine, particularly in the low back. Improving spinal structure, alignment and biomechanics is key in helping you minimize stress in the spine, heal injury, address issues with hooking and/or slicing, and get more power in your swing. Whether your swing style is more classic or modern, improving spinal biomechanics will help you prevent injury and get more yards with every drive.
Golf as stress
Golf can create stress in the spine linked to low back pain
Amongst amateur and professional golfers alike, low back pain is the most common injury and complaint (1,2). The motion inherent to swinging a golf club requires complex coordinated movement within the spine. Golfers are bending and twisting in their spines repetitively, at times generating a lot of torque. Research has demonstrated an association between rotational forces and injury in the lumbar spine (3,4). Depending on the individual's spinal configuration and style of golf swing, different types of movement are required and will generate different types and amounts of force in the spine.
The classic golf swing
Classically, a golf swing will involve nearly as much rotation in the shoulders as in the hips. This creates 'minimal' torque in the spine as the shoulders and hips remain in relative alignment throughout the swing.
The modern golf swing
A modern swing is typically more demanding on the spine because it involves increased rotational forces. The spine and torso are coiled tightly as the shoulders are rotated maximally away from the hips and pelvis.